Hendry progresses to the last eight

Just finished watching the desider between Stephen Hendry and Barry Pinches. Hendry won it.

The championship has nothing to do with good snooker: almost everyone plays awfully compared to what it was like in Scotland (Players) or Ireland (Irish Masters). I thought Hendry would show us what snooker is but he didn’t. After the score was about 10 frames each I wanted Pinches to win, he undoubtedly deserved it.

Hendry won the match because of Pinches’ mistake on the black. There was such a position on the table then that I could win the match if played instead of Hendry. No, really. I’m disappointed with Hendry’s game and with his victory, it was only luck, no Hendry. I’m sure he fills like if Pinches came to him to shake his hand in the beginning of the 25-th frame.

Let’s see how O’Sullivan proves his being «Rocket» with Hamilton. Who else? Oh, yes, Stevens and Higgins.

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2 комментария
Александр 2004

Хендри в очередной раз показал, что он не зря носит титул 7-кратного чемпиона мира. Максимальная выдержка в контровой, вот он класс настоящего профи.

G 2004

Бирман, не Irish Open, а Irish Masters.
Irish Open — это совершенно другой турнир, который последний раз проводился в 1998 году.

Илья Бирман

Спасибо, исправил.

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